Home » Calories » St David’s Day Special – Welsh Cawl less than 400 calories a serving.

St David’s Day Special – Welsh Cawl less than 400 calories a serving.

Seeing as it’s St Davids Day tomorrow I though I would do a healthy, low calorie recipe that will leave you really fill you up. It’s the Welsh classic, Cawl.

This recipe is just 330 calories per serving.

Welsh Cawl (serves 6)

1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 large onions, sliced
450g of swede chopped into 1cm cubes
4 leeks chopped
4 large carrots chopped
500g Welsh lamb (any cut, but not diced)
450 g of potatoes chopped into 1cm cubes

450g smoked bacon
3 bay leaves
2 sprigs of thyme

Melt the butter in a large pan.
Add the vegetables, apart from the potatoes.
Pour over the olive oil and stir it in.
Brown the vegetables for 10 minutes.
Set the vegetables aside, using a slotted spoon to leave the butter and oil behind.
Brown the lamb on all sides.
Put the vegetables back in the pan, add the bay leaves and thyme and cover with cold water.
Bring to the boil and then leave to simmer for 2 hours.

Remove the lamb and add the potatoes.
Bring the cawl back to the boil for around 15 minutes or until the potatoes are cooked.
Dice the lamb, once it’s cool enough, and put  it back in the stew.
Stir the lamb in, and serve.


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